How do I pass this time of my golden youth?? The answer is certainly not by enjoying my limited time on earth hanging out with my precious friends!! Home is where the heart is My heart is in my home!! I never step out!!! Except when I do.

What do I do at home?
Read manga!
Learn languages!
Do this (html & css)!
I draw!
Torture my ocs!
I write too! But I'm not showing you that. But maybe if you say pretty please..?
I listen to music! "Everyone does that" My taste is wholly superior.
But most importantly, I get fooled by the algorithm and doomscroll for the better half of the day.
(not sure if you noticed but studying wasn't anywhere on that list. thats bcz i dont study.)

If I miraculously step outside my home? Voluntarily? Whatever could be the reason?
I like to cycle!! At a speed a kid overtakes me.
I like to go shopping! For cute stationaries!!
Once in a blue moon, I suppose I hang out with my friends.
ok ure a very boring person can i go back now🎈